Calling all law students! EDI hosts advocacy competition at the 6th annual leadership summit: Tremendous anticipation awaited the amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) in Dec. 2015. Parties and practitioners were eager to see how new Rule 26(b)(1) would be interpreted by the courts. They did not have to wait long, as dozens of courts have provided judicial interpretation shortly after the amendments went into effect.

Now, EDI is inviting law student advocates to write-in for a chance to argue in front of leading minds on Rule 26 of the FRCP for a chance to take the reins of academic achievement.

Topic: The competition focuses on whether or not the 1978 Supreme Court case Oppenheimer Fund, Inc. v. Sanders is still valid law related to the scope of discovery after the 2015 Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

Awards: Two winning briefs will win an all-expense paid trip to Fort Lauderdale, FL to argue before hundreds of practitioners attending the EDI Leadership Summit on Oct. 13, 2016.

  • Winners will be notified on Thursday Oct. 6, 2016 – exactly one week before oral argument. EDI will pay for and manage all travel arrangements.

Submission guidelines: Contestants draft a brief of no more than 15 pages either in support of or against a Writ of Mandamus seeking to overturn a discovery ruling from a random selection of post-2015 FRCP Amendment Cases.

Complete details: Available @ ediscoveryinstitute.org/competition